1. By involving each member of the church in the ministry. Each member of he church can teach in their homes their neighbors, friends and family the Gospel. These BIBLE STUDIES will take place once a week for approximatively one hour.
  2. By opening Bible Clubs for children where they will study Bible Stories for all Ages.
  3. By teaching the Bible truths in Christian Camps (VBS). Christian camps are wonderful tools for gathering children and involving them in Bible studies. A church can start from an event like VBS in a new community where there is no church.
  4. By teaching Bible truths in prisons.


How will this help the church?

  1. Firstly, it will help Christians realize that to teach the Bible using these lessons is not difficult. One does not need special preparation – the lessons are built in such a way that the answers come from the Bible verse itself. In such a way the people understand that the truths come from  God Himself. It is not people’s thought or approach
  2. Secondly, it will help Christians understand how to teach the Word of God. Christians should remember that they are called to fulfill the Great Commandment. This strategy is oriented towards fulfilling the Great Commission, which Baptists should continually keep in mind.
  3. Thirdly, it will make Christians active servants of God.

This strategy will Strengthen the church, Staff it and equip it for Starting new Churches around the world.