The Vision

The vision came the first week in January 1994, about 40 years after my salvation and call into the ministry.

I had been to Romania twice on mission trips with International Crusades in 1992 and 1993. We had dozens of people make professions of faith. There were only a few churches, a few pastors and we were not made aware of any Sunday Schools. I was certain that God had called me to help start churches in Romania, but I wasn’t hearing from Heaven, and every door appeared closed before me. Therefore, I thought I have so little to offer God; how could He ever use me? I got sick, but instead of dying, God came and spoke to my heart.

In a flash, He put in my mind to go to Romania in 1994 and help the nationals start or strengthen even missions and help them with 28 more in ’95, and in that same flash, five years rolled out before me, and I saw 100 congregations with leaders.

In that same instant, the scene changed and I was standing on a bald prairie in the extreme North East of Romania, facing south, looking toward the Black Sea. As far as I could see there was a continuing line of believers dressed in bright multiple colors representing many nations and languages. They were facing the East holding hands, chin up, bodies pitched forward. Their faces were like arrows pointing to the ends of the Earth. Some had suffered for Christ, all were willing to suffer. It appeared they were standing ready, just waiting for a signal, to begin to march to the Far East. They would increase in number, forming multitudes of extending lines, covering a vast area, then making a wide swing to the right, to take the Good News of Jesus Christ all over the world.

Following that scene, all my focus was on the seven missions to be started in Romania, summer 1994. I cried out, “Oh God, how could I start seven missions in Romania? I only know one person there that speaks Romanian and English, and I have no money.” But the calling was so clear that I knew it would happen. My precious Mary believed in me.

The vision is just as clear to me today as it was in January, 1994.
–Bro. Bill Davis