How can your church use CSI materials?

If you have decided to use this strategy in your community,

you have made a great choice! 


What should a Church start with? 

Step 1. To begin with it is desirable to teach these materials to your church – each member of your church can use it in teaching the world.

Begin by studying together with your church each of the lessons. Begin with People who Knew Jesus. This is book number 1 which will present God’s plan for salvation.  Teach the church  lesson one using the INTERACTIVE METHOD of teaching. The workers will find it easy to understand every lesson and they can even teach them.

Step 2. Encourage the church to go home and teach this lesson to their people:  husbands, wives, children, neighbors, friends – any people who want to hear  it.

Step 3. Next week take lesson 2 and ask the members of church to teach it in church first for gaining more confidence in teaching.  Again ask them to teach this lesson at home to family and friends.

After lesson 5,6 of this book people usually receive Christ with much desire. There is no need to talk them in. Usually it is their choice, because they realize that this is the call of God. These people should be encouraged to teach their own people the same material.

Step 4. After People who Knew Jesus should follow the study of the course “Faith Power” which has the aim of building everybody’s understanding of the necessity of joining church.  This course should be taught to members of the church first. Of course they know these Bible truths, but its high time for everyone to start teaching the lost people without delay. Faith Power will help you in this!





Several Pastors from Moldova who used this program witnessed the effect it had on the members of the church. Pavel Tsapkov, a man who has planted a Baptist Church in the village of Natalievca, Moldova. Now Pavel is a Pastor of Drochia Baptist Church, Moldova. He  said that CSI strategy and materials brought many young people and children into church. Many children from the world joined church at an early age and grew up there. “Using CSI materials and strategy consolidated the church itself. Christians became more responsible and encouraged, because teaching the Gospel to their families, friends and neighbors they felt their calling to take part in “Christ’s Plan of Salvation,” says Pavel. Today the Natalievca Baptist church has its Pastor, a native from this village, while Pastor Pavel moved to the next Moldovan field where the crop is ripe, to Drochia.


Mihail Gorbani,  who has been serving Lord as a missionary in Chepariya Baptist Church, Moldova  for 15 years has taught the CSI materials to about 400 people, 84 of which received Christ. He says that this program saved several families from divorce. Mihail remembers the words of some women whose husbands studied the materials in Mihail’s home. He was teaching a group of men the lessons from People who Knew Christ.  Their wives witnessed that they could not believe their eyes – on the days of the Bible lesson their husbands forgot about drinking vodka and were impatiently waiting for the evening meeting with  Mihail for Bible studies. These men were thrilled to discover the Bible truths with so much ease.  The INTERACTIVE  METHOD of teaching makes it easy for the people from the world to understand the truths. One man, Yuriy said: “It is not difficult to read the Bible. For many times I did try to read this book but could not understand anything. Now all is clear!” Some of these men received Christ and joined church.

Many children have studied the Bible Stories for All Ages and started visiting the Sunday school lessons for kids. For the first time they heard about God in the VBS called in Moldova Bible camps, which the Church of Chepariya organizes every summer. It is a time when about 70 kids from the world can hear the Bible stories for All ages.